What if the dinosaurs didn't go extinct?
만약 공룡이 멸종되지 않았다면?
Inhouse Project
March 2024
Shin Suyeon
'만약 공룡이 멸종되지 않았다면?'이라는 생각으로 작업한 프로젝트.
인간이 탄생했지만 멸종되지 않은 공룡에게서 살아남지 못해 사라지고,
공룡이 인간을 대신해 문명을 발전시킨 세계.
하지만 인간과 다를 것 없이 결국 현생에 찌들어버린 공룡들의 3D PFP NFT.
The project was started the idea of "What if the dinosaurs didn't go extinct?".
Dinosaurs didn't go extinct. Humans were born, only to be decimated by the sharp teeth and claws of those giant lizards.
They developed civilizations. Their lives were no different from ours. This is 3D PFP NFT of dinosaurs tired of life.